Tuesday 6 November 2007

Fashion Statement?

I have just upgraded my telly package on cable to XL, which means I get some extra sports channels, including Setanta, but also, to my surprise Liverpool's own channel. I'm not a supporter of them by any means, but when I was a kid I used to enjoy the way they played football. They were far and away the best team during the 70s, with the likes of Keegan and Heighway et al. Anyway, I was flicking through the channels the other day and they were showing a replay of the 1974 cup final between Liverpool and Newcastle. Apart from the awfully tight shorts and shirts a large majority of the players were sporting huge sideburns! Got me thinking about a good friend of mine who, for some strange reason, decided to grow some of his own. They were amazing things, tremendously lush and bushy, but beautifully manicured, a bit like a well looked after privet hedge. Trouble was, from a distance, it appeared as if he was wearing a pair of mobile phones on his face. Some of us did point this out (in a way that only good friends will do, with a complete lack of sensitivity towards his feelings..!) and they didn't last too much longer after that!! But at least now we know where he may have got his inspiration from.....

Lova ya Brooksy :)

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