Saturday 25 January 2014

Back Again. Again.

I have been further inspired to re-start my blog after an absence of a couple of years. I logged in and lots of things have changed so I have to re-learn what little skill I had in putting posts together with pictures. I have made an attempt at redesigning the layout and the template and find that the look I really like is already in use by the creators of From Beer to Paternity and An Extra Shot Please. Anyway imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I'm sticking with this look for the time being.... Hopefully I'll be further inspired to actually do things to write about in the coming months!!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Money Money Money

Well, it's half term week and I'm looking after the little man for a few days. It's a great excuse to watch cartoons and play with the Scalextrix! He loves to go to Toys r Us and was emptying his wallet and asking me how much the contents would be able to buy there. As the sum total in there was about 4 quid I had to advise him "not a lot!!".
Anyway, I thought it was about time I tried to teach him something about the value of money, so I sat him on my knee, picked up one of his pound coins and asked him if he knew how many of them it took for us to be able to live in this house each month. His reply was "Four?".
"No mate", I said, "just to put this roof over our heads takes over 900 of these". He squealed in wonder "900?? WOW!!"
I continued "And then there's over a 100 each month for the council, 60 for the gas and electric, more for the water and there's loads go on food too!!"
He was somewhat stunned by this revelation, saying "that's lots and lots, Daddy!"
I was pretty stunned too, so I'm now off for a little lie down...

Thursday 12 February 2009

Back Again

I just remembered I had this blog thingy set up, so I thought I really ought to be a little bit more committed (yeah, I know, should have been committed to a place with soft walls years ago) to actually writing something in it.
So, in a nutshell, I have returned and will try and tear myself away from facebook long enough to actually have something to write this space, well, not this space specifically, but the other ones that will contain some inane drivel, you get the picture...

Monday 4 February 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

It was the weekend before Christmas and Steph and I had taken my little lad, Zak, who is 4, up to my parents so that he could be spoilt rotten by his grandparents (Grandad with the beard and Granny TJ). Zak is something of an early riser, no matter what time he goes to bed, so on the Saturday morning, when he had woken up with the sparrows I decided it would be a good idea to tell him to get into bed with us as it was way too early for me to be moving anywhere. Anyhow, as we were lying there, Zak pointed at my chest and said "Daddy's got big boobies"!! (I'd like to point out that I was lying on my side and they were somewhat squashed hence creating that illusion...)
I stretched out a bit and indicated that perhaps I didn't.
Warming to his subject, he said "Mummy's got big boobies hasn't she Daddy?".
I agreed and said "You know what, Steph's got big boobies too, hasn't she?"
He nodded wisely and said "Yes, that's just the way we like them, isn't it Daddy?!!"
He makes me so proud sometimes...

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

It's back to work I go...
After over two months off work, it is finally time for me to go back. My back is pretty well recovered apart from a couple of minor twinges so after consulting with the work physio I am allowed back. It will be something of a shock to the system after pretty much doing nothing for the last nine weeks but on the plus side for the first couple of weeks I only have to go in for four hours a day which is pretty cool.
I have spent the last week down in Wales with the better half's family, been waited on hand, foot and finger and generally chilling out. Needless to say, Steph and I spent an awful lot of time drunk, so now is a good time for a bit of "detoxing" and hopefully making some effort and getting myself a good bit fitter than I am now. Alternatively, I might just stick to the beer....

Monday 26 November 2007

Errr, um...

I'm sat at home and I'm bored and can't really think of too much to say so I'm afraid I'm just going to leave a bit of space for you to insert your own anecdote/amusing story....

Excellent. Well done...

Tuesday 13 November 2007

New Music...

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fed up with the garbage on TV at the moment, with all the so-called reality shows, especially the pile of excrement that is the X-Factor. However, in amongst all that dross, I have discovered one of these programs that actually floats my boat. Yes, it is another "find the next big thing" program but with something of a difference. It is real bands, playing their own instruments and singing their own songs, not just doing bad versions of other people's music as per that "other" show.
This show is called MobileAct Unsigned presented by XFM DJ Alex Zane with the other judges being DJ Jo Whiley, Blur bassist Alex James and Simon Gavin who is head of A&M Records. You can catch it on Channel 4, check out up and coming bands like Hijack Oscar, a bluesy/folk come soul band that are just a little bit different! Also The Headliners, a Sheffield based indie band with a great raw sound and The Bad Robots, something of an early 80s throwback band, but if you like The Jam and The Clash you'll love 'em!
There are several other good bands too so if you want to see a reality type show thats is just a little bit better than the others I recommend you take a look...