Monday 26 November 2007

Errr, um...

I'm sat at home and I'm bored and can't really think of too much to say so I'm afraid I'm just going to leave a bit of space for you to insert your own anecdote/amusing story....

Excellent. Well done...

Tuesday 13 November 2007

New Music...

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fed up with the garbage on TV at the moment, with all the so-called reality shows, especially the pile of excrement that is the X-Factor. However, in amongst all that dross, I have discovered one of these programs that actually floats my boat. Yes, it is another "find the next big thing" program but with something of a difference. It is real bands, playing their own instruments and singing their own songs, not just doing bad versions of other people's music as per that "other" show.
This show is called MobileAct Unsigned presented by XFM DJ Alex Zane with the other judges being DJ Jo Whiley, Blur bassist Alex James and Simon Gavin who is head of A&M Records. You can catch it on Channel 4, check out up and coming bands like Hijack Oscar, a bluesy/folk come soul band that are just a little bit different! Also The Headliners, a Sheffield based indie band with a great raw sound and The Bad Robots, something of an early 80s throwback band, but if you like The Jam and The Clash you'll love 'em!
There are several other good bands too so if you want to see a reality type show thats is just a little bit better than the others I recommend you take a look...

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Fashion Statement?

I have just upgraded my telly package on cable to XL, which means I get some extra sports channels, including Setanta, but also, to my surprise Liverpool's own channel. I'm not a supporter of them by any means, but when I was a kid I used to enjoy the way they played football. They were far and away the best team during the 70s, with the likes of Keegan and Heighway et al. Anyway, I was flicking through the channels the other day and they were showing a replay of the 1974 cup final between Liverpool and Newcastle. Apart from the awfully tight shorts and shirts a large majority of the players were sporting huge sideburns! Got me thinking about a good friend of mine who, for some strange reason, decided to grow some of his own. They were amazing things, tremendously lush and bushy, but beautifully manicured, a bit like a well looked after privet hedge. Trouble was, from a distance, it appeared as if he was wearing a pair of mobile phones on his face. Some of us did point this out (in a way that only good friends will do, with a complete lack of sensitivity towards his feelings..!) and they didn't last too much longer after that!! But at least now we know where he may have got his inspiration from.....

Lova ya Brooksy :)

Monday 5 November 2007

The Best Joke in the World - Ever

Why are pirates called pirates??

Because they arrrrrrrrrrre!

PS: As he he has quite rightly pointed out, the credit for this little gem must go to my good mate Spindle. At the time it was drink-spittingly funny and still makes me chuckle now!

Sunday 4 November 2007

Home Again

Well, back home again after the operation. Sore, but otherwise doing pretty well, all things considered. No sciatic pain whatsoever, all that's left is a fairly dull pain where the surgeon actually cut into me. I have to say that it was quite a bizarre experience. They took me down to theatre, I started chatting with one of the nurses while the anaesthetist was doing something with my hand. The conversation had somehow got onto the subject of beer when the anaesthetist said "you are going to feel a small scratch now", next thing I know I'm wide awake in the recovery room and it's all over and done with and two hours of my life had suddenly disappeared! Never felt anything quite like it, not even under the influence of vast quantities of alcohol. Fortunately, I woke up in plenty of time for lunch and, having not eaten sine eight the night before, I was famished!! They still had me hooked up to a drip and some self dosing morphine thing, which was pretty cool, feel pain, press button, pain goes, wish it was always that easy! Anyway, after a couple of days of looking after me they decided I was fine to go home and sent me away with a whole list of things I'm not supposed to do for a while, some of which, I have to say, I'm going to miss a damn sight more than the others. Hey ho, there's more than one way to skin a cat, as my grandad used to say.....