Thursday 4 October 2007

MRI Scan

Went for an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan yesterday, managed to get it done privately through the medical insurance scheme at work. Well, what a difference with private health care! I walked, well hobbled, into the scanning unit at the hospital, it was all polished wood floors and yes Mr Johnson, no Mr Johnson, do help yourself to a coffee etc etc...

It's quite a bizarre experience, certainly not a good one if you just happen to suffer from claustrophobia! They lay you down on a table, press a few buttons and you roll slowly backwards into the machine, the opening probably no more than two feet in diameter. You certainly get a feeling of being very much enclosed. They also supplied me with a set of headphones and asked me which radio station I'd like to listen to. I asked for XFM, failing that I said that Radio 1 would do nicely. Needless to say, I didn't get either but ended up with Radio 4 and an episode of The Archers, marvellous! What surprised me most about the whole thing was how noisy it was. Beeps, buzzes and whistles and all sorts. In fact I'm pretty sure that some techno band has used the sounds and made a hit single out of it somewhere, more than likely Germany, the German taste in music being on about a par with their comic ability...

Anyhow, got to wait a week for the results before they decide what they are going to do with me, in the meantime I get to sit at home having been signed off work and watch England being battered by the Sri Lankans in the One Day International series.....I think I'd rather be at work....

1 comment:

Dr Xavier Ray said...

Came across your blog through Google Alerts as I have an interest in private MRI.
Interesting that even for, I presume a youngish man, you value being addressed as Mr rather than first name. I have always thought this too and I really don't know which f**kwit thought it would be a good idea to do so.
It sounds like you had a pretty unpleasant experience in the scanner-being forced to listen to the Archers in a confined space is many peoples idea of hell.
Hope everything goes well for you.