Thursday 27 September 2007

Here We Go

It's amazing what you get up when you are off work and bored at home. You've checked all the "usual" websites, watched a bit of daytime telly (yuck!!) and have finally got round to finding a channel with some golf on it. The washing is in the machine, the dishes are done and you are somewhat stuck for something useful to do.
Having been reading a very good friend's blog, and mostly laughing out loud or spitting coffee at the computer screen whenever I read it, I thought I'd give it a go....
So here it is, my very first post on a blog, I may never do it again, but it seems to be the thing to do, so you never know, I may post some more. (I have a feeling I may have used too many commas there, but what the hell.)

The title of my blog is a testament to my best man. I got married a few weeks ago and part of his speech included abusing me for my dress sense, especially at pool matches. The sad thing is, I can't really argue with him, but hopefully the new wife will be able to assist in helping me with my wardrobe this space!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Welcome to the world of blogging SJ.
I think you have impeccable fashion sense... Like me...