Wednesday 2 January 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

It's back to work I go...
After over two months off work, it is finally time for me to go back. My back is pretty well recovered apart from a couple of minor twinges so after consulting with the work physio I am allowed back. It will be something of a shock to the system after pretty much doing nothing for the last nine weeks but on the plus side for the first couple of weeks I only have to go in for four hours a day which is pretty cool.
I have spent the last week down in Wales with the better half's family, been waited on hand, foot and finger and generally chilling out. Needless to say, Steph and I spent an awful lot of time drunk, so now is a good time for a bit of "detoxing" and hopefully making some effort and getting myself a good bit fitter than I am now. Alternatively, I might just stick to the beer....